Protap Nath


Protap Nath is a public access qualified barrister specialising in family, immigration and employment matters.


  • Protap is Public Access Qualified. He specialises in Family (Children Act and financial), immigration and employment matters.
  • Qualifications: BA (Hons), CPE Holborn College, Bar Vocational Course – Inns of Court School of Law
  • Year of qualification: 2003
  • Languages: Bengali (fluent), French (conversational)

Family practise

  • Children Act proceedings
  • Fact-finding hearings, Dispute Resolution Appointment (DRA) hearings, and final hearings
  • Matrimonial finance/financial remedies proceedings
  • First hearings, Financial Dispute Resolution (FDR), and final hearings
  • Advice on financial settlements
  • Protap is regularly instructed on behalf of parents and children in cases where there are significant and often entrenched disputes about where children should live and how much time they should spend with a non-resident parent. He has particular experience and expertise in cases involving domestic abuse.
  • Protap also regularly advises clients on Non-Molestation Orders, prohibited Steps Orders, Specific Issue Orders and Occupation Orders. His experience in family law, coupled with his immigration background, allows him to help clients where there are family and immigration cases. He is often instructed by solicitors to assist in these types of proceedings.

Immigration practise

  • Article 8, human rights & family application
  • ILR & nationality issues
  • Deportation
  • Sponsored working & business
  • EEA
  • Administrative Review applications
  • Appeals to the immigration tribunals and courts against Home Office decisions
  • Judicial review claims against Home Office decision.

Employment practise

  • Unfair dismissal
  • Discrimination
  • Whistleblowing
  • Employment Tribunal claims and hearings
  • Protap has experience in all areas of employment law. He has appeared before the Employment Tribunal in lengthy trials. Protap has a dynamic ability to communicate and can often settle matters to the client’s advantage before a hearing takes place.
  • Recent cases include:
  • Securing the strike out of a claim for race discrimination and constructive unfair dismissal.
  • Successfully defending a claim of unfair dismissal brought against a large service industry operator following an unsuccessful flexible working request.
  • Succeeding in a claim for disability discrimination relating to home-working – failure to make reasonable adjustments and discrimination arising from disability.